Shane Terrell

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Shane Terrell @
Schedule Your VR Event Strategy Session With Shane


When initially starting the pre-event strategy phase of planning your event, we work with you to determine the exact experience or experiences you want for your event attendees. While we offer more than 30,000 360 VR and 3,000 Room Scale VR experiences, we understand what we offer might not exactly fit what you are looking for. That is where the custom experience comes in.
With the custom VR experience, we work with you closely to determine exactly what you want. In addition, we do most of the heavy lifting by understanding what your vision is and then offering you various concepts based on the input you provided. This allows us to hone in on the perfect fit for your event and give your attendees the exact experience that you want them to have.


Custom vs. Off-the-Shelf VR Experiences

Off-the-shelf, or licensed experiences, are VR experiences that are ready to go. Whether this experience is a game, competition, puzzle, or a shared experience between attendees, what you see is what you get and offer little in the way of branding or customization. In addition to requiring less time to prepare, off-the-shelf VR experiences cost far less than their customized counterparts.
Custom experiences, while more expensive, allow the staff at to really hone in on exactly what you want your event attendees to experience.
So, regardless if you want a licensed experience or need one that is customized, we work with you to create the perfect VR experience for your event.

If you’re interested in a custom experience, email us at and we can discuss further.